State and Local Government Snapshot
ASD has a wealth of experience servicing the IT needs of state and local agencies.
At ASD, we have served state and local agencies from the day the company was founded in 1979. Over our company’s 40+ years, we have delivered IT services to over 50 state and local agencies in 13 states. While our focus originally was on agencies in the Southeast, over the last decade we have expanded our customer base and look forward in the next decade to serving state and local agencies throughout the U.S.
ASD has provided IT services to state/local agencies in Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Maryland, New Mexico, North Carolina, and South Carolina. A couple of examples demonstrates the depth and breadth of ASD’s state and local agency experience.
In Florida, ASD has:
- Delivered IT services to State of Florida agencies on an uninterrupted basis for 40+ years
- Provided over 1M IT staffing hours for over $75M in service revenues
- Serviced successfully over 30 IT state/local agency customers
In Alabama, ASD has:
- Delivered IT services to State of Alabama agencies on an uninterrupted basis for 25+ years
- Provided over 500K IT staffing hours for over $30M in service revenues
- Serviced successfully over 20 IT state/local agency customers
Aside from the states in which we are already active, ASD has recently been awarded statewide IT staffing contracts for the following states and local entities (in alphabetical order): City of Atlanta, Colorado, Connecticut, Nebraska, and Oregon. We are actively working to extend ASD service delivery to agencies in these jurisdictions.
ASD’s state/local government service delivery includes both staff augmentation and fixed price projects. ASD has provided IT staff augmentation services across a wide assortment of technical fields and customer requirements. ASD knows the IT needs and goals of state and local agencies. Our business is adding value to state/local customers in support of their important missions.
Over the years, we have learned that most state/local agencies have unique IT needs which stem from their unique missions and requirements. ASD has proven through many successful projects and solutions that we understand how to innovatively address complex state/local government needs to add value. We’ve also demonstrated our understanding of the procurement processes of many state/local agencies in working with our customers to ensure that ASD’s contracting processes were simple and appropriate.